consultant astrologer

The Home of Astrologer Joanna Grant

Natal Astrology – Horary Astrology – tarot

“We shall not cease from exploration, and the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started, and know the place for the first time. Through the unknown, remembered gate when the last of earth left to discover is that which was the beginning; At the source of the longest river the voice of the hidden waterfall and the children in the apple-tree not known, because not looked for, but heard, half-heard, in the stillness between two waves of the sea.”

― T.S. Eliot

  • Full Moon in Scorpio “Unexpected Item in the Bagging Area”
    …….if we were on a boat, I would be shouting “Ready About, Lee Ho” and you would be ducking to avoid being knocked out by the boom as I turned the boat into the wind to change tack…..
  • –Full Moon & Lunar Eclipse in Libra– Careful What You Wish For
    the time between eclipses, (there is a solar eclipse on April 8th), is a strange time where the unthinkable can happen, suddenly and without warning.
  • -Full Moon in Virgo-Purge & Tonify
    This month, the silvery light of the full Moon illuminates the 1st decan of Virgo, reflecting the Sun’s rays as it shines through the 1st decan of Pisces. The distinctly saturnine vibration of this lunation, with its underlying implications of death and resurrection, is distilled from the Moon’s application by opposition to a combust Saturn, the ruler of the first face of Pisces.

D.F.Astrol.S – STA.Dip